Sunday, June 5, 2011


I really wanted to go to church today and share my testimony as my mom is visiting and would be there with me. She is not active, but is good enough to come with us to church when she does visit. But it seems the sickness that had Jimmy and Jacob down last week now has Anna, Rachel, and I. So I am home with the girls while my mom is at church with the boys. I hope she can feel the Spirit and is touched. My hope that she will come back to the church will never extinguish. It may get frustrated at times, but I'll never give up on her. I am very touched that she'd be more than willing to take my boys to church for me while I am at home with the sick kids.

As I pondered my testimony these past few days, I have been reminded over and over again of the joy the Gospel brings. All the happiness I have experienced in my life has been a result of living of the Gospel. The joy of the Gospel is lasting and stands the test of time, trials, and circumstance. That doesn't mean my life has been without hardship since I have taken upon the yoke of the Savior, but my burdens have been easier to bear because I am bound to Him. I have experienced trials that I never thought possible to endure, sacrifices I didn't think I was capable of, and peace I never imagined possible. I have grown and my testimony has been solidified. I cannot imagine living without the Savior in my life. It would be a sad hollow existence, ever searching for happiness, but never able to obtain it.

I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know His true church has been restored to the earth. I know that yoked to the Savior I can endure all the trials that come and still have joy in this life. Despite all that is going on around me in the world and my life, I am happy. Really happy because I know God lives and with Him all things are possible. True joy can only be found in living and following His commandments and prophets. What more can a person want or ask for?!


Anonymous said...

I was actually thinking of you today as I sat in church and listened to the testimonies being shared. I thought back to the first time you stood in sacrament meeting and bore your testimony. It touched me deeply. So today as I sat in church, I thought about how much I would love to hear your testimony again. Then I checked your blog today and there it was. Thank you for sharing your testimony. You are such a wonderful example to me. I understand your feelings about you wanting your mom to become active again. I have prayed for the same thing for my Dad. He moved to Texas in January and in February I got a call from him. He told me he had started to go back to church. I cried! I hope the same will be for you someday. Sorry for the long post! Miss you tons!

Mandy said...

Hi Sushi,

just getting caught up on your blog. yuck about such a long time of being sick and with your mom there and everything.

I loved your blog about the library. I loved all those books too!!!

yeah. I think Anna should stop having birthdays. She is making us realize we are old.

Anonymous said...


parecido hay algo?