Monday, June 13, 2011

I still need my mom

Having my mom here for the past two weeks has been wonderful. I think it has been one of our best visits in a long time. We've had fun reminiscing, going shopping, playing with the kids, and relaxing. She has spoiled me, folding laundry, watching the kids for dates, cleaning up after meals, running to the store for that needed gallon of milk, playing with the kids, and letting me run errands on my own. I am beginning to wonder how on earth I ever did all this without her being around. I have grown quite accustomed to her help.

I've also learned that despite being extremely independent and stubborn, I actually do still need a mom. A few days after my mom arrived, Anna and I were hit with a stomach virus. I felt miserable for a few days and was not up to doing much of anything besides wallowing in my bathroom. Mom watched and fed the kids so I could sleep and pray to feel better. As the sickness went through all the family, Mom was right here to help out in any way she could. I couldn't have done it without her. Well, I could have, but I am sure I would have been a miserable emotional wreck as I tried to care for my family and not puke everywhere at the same time. I needed my mom!

Then the other day I had the chance to run errands on my own. It was heavenly and I was able to accomplish a lot, like buying a new swimsuit for Anna. Despite what I have taught sweet Anna, as soon as she saw the new suit, she cut off all the tags and tried it on. To my horror her new suit was much too small! And with the tags off I couldn't take it back. I was so upset and annoyed. I knew I had gotten the right size, but how could it not fit?! And now the tags were off so I couldn't exchange the suit for another one or get my money back. There was $13 down the drain! I felt I should check the tag on the actual suit and was shocked and pleased to learn that it was in fact a size 6 suit. No wonder it was so small on my size 10 girl! I really didn't want to go back to Target, especially since I was still nursing a sore ankle. But I knew I had to get that suit back asap. Mom was more than willing to make the run back to the store for me and return the suit for one with the correct size. Target was happy to exchange the suit that was wrongly marked for one that fit. Another stress and problem solved thanks to Mom.

Even though I am a grown woman, there is still a little girl in me who knows Mom can make everything all better. And sometimes it is so nice to have Mom around to take care of me when I need it. I love my mom.

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