Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Battle Lines

I know it is silly to wish it would go away, but the issue of gay marriage is here to stay. I have a brother who is gay and I love him dearly. We have even talked about our differing views and still have a good relationship. But as time and the battle for same gender marriage wages on, I don't know how long that will last. People are getting more and more adamant and demanding sides are choosen. To many, if you are not for gay marriage you are a closed minded fool and labeled as a hostile enemy. Having your own opinion is no longer allowed. You must give in to popular belief or be cast off.

Today I found this posting on Facebook from some friends and family.So let me get this STRAIGHT...Kelsey Grammar can end a 15-year marriage by phone, Larry King is on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55-hour marriage, Jesse James & Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE, 53% of Americans get divorced and 30-60% cheat on their spouses. Yet, same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Repost this if you find ironic

Ouch. Why do they always have to pick the worst examples? In both same gender and opposite gender relationships there are going to be bad examples. But what about all the thousands upon thousands of happily married people out there? Please don't use celebrities as the standard for normal people. They are beyond us every day people and live lives that are often dysfunctional and full of numerous issues. How offensive would it be to someone who is gay to assume because they are gay they MUST be sexually interested in my husband just because he is a man? Totally unfair and stereotyping to the extreme. So please do not assume that heterosexual marriage is going the way of the horse and buggy just because there are some whacked out people who lack intergrity and loyalty and are at the forefront of the media. We're not all sleeping around, okay? And why am I a jerk for not sharing the same beliefs as you? THAT seems pretty close-minded to me.

There is a lot I do not know, but what I do know is that the family is ordained of God and marriage between a man and woman is essential to God's plan. Children have the right to be born within the covenant of marriage and raised by a father and mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. I know this and believe it with all power. Being raised where the above was not the norm, I have seen the disasterous and long reaching effects of a home lacking both a father and mother, who are committed to one another. Anything less than what has been stated in "the Family: A Proclamation to the World" falls short of the happiness and potential God has in store for His children. Try all you want, but there is only one formula that works.

The line concerning same gender marriage was drawn years ago and the sides are becoming more apparent. Now the trenches are being dug and the barbed wire put up for the ugly fight that is commencing and will continue on. People will continue to be viciously in favor of the subject, offering cruel generalizations like the above Facebook find, but those who believe in marraige being ordained for a man and woman cannot give up or give in to the harsh cries of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm looking for my 'like' button, but I guess blogger doesn't have one. :) I have been home sick for St. George today. Wish I could come over and just visit. Miss you.