Monday, August 6, 2012

Locthe Revisited

Okay, so Ryan Locthe has clarified that his mom's comment about the "one night stands" was misquoted. Ryan told USA Today that, “[Ike Lochte is] new to the whole media [experience], so she didn’t really understand that they were going to twist it and make it bad. She definitely was like, ‘Why would they do that?’ She is so oblivious to everything.” She did say "one night stands", but that wasn't what she meant. I am not sure how she didn't know what a one night stand was or how that would impact her son's public image, but whatever. She's new to the whole media thing and as her son so bluntly put it, "she is so oblivious to everything". Ouch.

Perhaps Locthe is not a male slut after all. But he is still a pretty nasty man and he only has himself to blame for leaking (hee hee) that information out. In a recent interview with Ryan Seacrest, Locthe admitted to peeing in the warm-up pool. “ I think there’s just something about getting into chlorine water that you just automatically go. [I didn't] during the races, but I sure did in warm-up.” Um, thanks. TMI again, buddy! Did we really need to know that?

Michael Phelps backed up Locthe and said that he had gone in the warm-up pool as well. His defense was that when you are in the pool for two hours, sometimes you just have to go and can't get out. He said with all the chlorine, the germs get killed. Okay, still gross, but I can see where Phelps is coming from.

However, we wouldn't know any "secrets" of the trade if Mr. Locthe hadn't just kept his mouth shut. And if Ryan Seacrest hadn't asked him the question in the first place. I still think Locthe is nasty, but I am also annoyed at Seacrest. Really? You are interviewing an amazing athlete and you take the time to ask if he pees in the pool? Why is that important? Why do we need to know that and how will knowing that bit of information benefit the rest of us? Ask him a question that I actually care about, okay? Do you really get paid the big bucks to ask people about their peeing habits?

Go USA! Thanks for making us look really good, guys, by taking something as incredible as the Olympics and turning it into a discussion about bodily functions. Nice.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Hehe!! Whatever. Lots of conversations about pee in this house!! just kidding.