Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sad to say "good bye" for another 4 years

I don't know what we are going to do in the evenings now that the Olympics are ending. We have  cheered, laughed, yelled, and gotten chills as we have watched these amazing athletes over the past two weeks. Sometimes it hasn't even mattered if the person we wanted to win was from our own country because we were cheering for the first timer, the underdog, or the retiring athlete. Remember the high bar performance by the gymnastic from the Netherlands? Crazy amazing!
We've learned about the perserverance and sacrifice of many participants, and a little too much information about others. Good times! I've learned that at even my best sprint, I would by easily lapped by the Olympic distance runners in a matter of one second. If I blinked at the wrong time, I missed the 100 meter races. Just turn on the tv and watch the Olympics if you want to see what a six pack on a woman looks like. Also, there is no way I would be able to do a handstand on the edge of a three story high diving board. You couldn't even get me halfway up the thing in the first place. Walking in a straight line is hard enough, let alone doing flips frontwards and backwards on a two inch wide piece of wood. Male gymnasts have arms that are bigger than my thighs. They could harm someone just by flexing their muscles. Swimming means something very different to me and Michael Phelps and we'll just keep it that way. And when you have 0% body fat and 100% muscle, you could care less about appearing on world wide television in skimpy lycra uniforms.
I have loved every minute of the games. How cool to be right there to celebrate the triumphs and feel the losses of these amazing athletes. I am left in awe with their skills and die-hard endurance to be their best. What a great example they are all to us of dedication. Goodbye Summer Olympics for another four years! I will miss you!

1 comment:

Suzanne Lucas said...

Ha! on the Michael Phelps line. Yes, swimming for me involves dangling my feet into the water. Somehow that doesn't seem to be in the same universe as Mr. Phelps.