Monday, August 20, 2012

My knee revisited

Grrrrrrr. I am annoyed because I am not invincible. Shoot! I am not even whole. It's not that I am THAT old, but my body thinks I should still be having issues with my knee. And I do not agree with this agenda.

I behaved myself really well while recovering from my stress fracture and followed what my doctor told me I could and could not do. Then when we felt the time was right, I very slowly and cautiously began running. In time I decided to train for a half marathon. Why I curse myself with such lofty plans is beyond me because every time I say I am going to do a big race, something goes wrong. And it did again.

I took my time and worked up my mileage slowly. I didn't even get past 3 miles and then I started to experience some pain and discomfort in my knee. It would go away, but it became more frequent so I decided to lay off running for a bit and stick to speed walking and biking. Still, I had pain. Grrrr.

Now I am doing nothing and nervously awaiting seeing me doctor next week, wondering what we will find. Did my fracture not heal all the way? Has it been aggravated? What? All I know is that my knee hurts, even when I walk. Not as bad as it did with the fracture, but more than it should be at all. And I am going nuts trying to be good and let it rest. I am so bummed because I really truly did behave myself and eased back into running when I had the "go" from my doctor. So not cool!


annjeanette said...

Hang in there! I feel your pain (literally).

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Not fun.