Monday, March 8, 2010

Good and Bad of the Day

Downers of the Day:
-Jimmy peeing his pants on the way home from the store. What the what?
-Cleaning up said mess in the van with Jimmy's help.
-Jacob bonking himself on the wall.
-Rachel throwing sand in Jimmy's face.
-Sand covered Rachel running through the house before her bath.
-Cleaning up sand dunes around the house from the above.
-Jacob tossing a glass vase onto the tile floor.
-Cleaning up said shattered vase.
-Jimmy refusing to go to the bathroom on his own.
-Jacob waking up at 5am.
-Jacob refusing to nap this afternoon.

Highlights of the Day:
-A parent volunteer from Rachel's class stopping me at the store to tell me that she thinks Rachel is the most sweet, caring, and darling girl she knows.
-Anna drawing a picture of herself for a dear old brother in our ward.
-Finding out my brother will be visiting Las Vegas soon and we will be able to see him after over ten years.
-Jacob snuggling with me.
-Jimmy snuggling with me.
-After helping me clean said accident in the van, Jimmy telling me he is sorry and that it was a lot of work.
-The kids telling me dinner was yummy (how often does that happen?)
-Marshall bringing flowers and chocolate home for me after work.
-Rocking Jacob back to sleep after he woke up with a stuffy nose.

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

Ah, motherhood. Gotta love it!