Monday, March 1, 2010

Mom: Undefinable

What is a good title to call a full-time mom? I thought about this as I sat down, completely exhausted from a busy day with the kids and it is only 2:30 in the afternoon. Running to doctor appointments, registering for gymnastics, hitting the store for much needed toothpaste, picking up my kindergartner from the bus stop, giving an emergency bath to my toddler who ended up covered in wet sand while playing outside, getting peed on when my four year old boy didn't make it to the toilet in time, letting the kids have their friends over to play, and so forth, all in a few hours time. My husband gets to have a cool sounding title with his job, Deputy County Prosecutor. I want a rockin' title too.

Too often I let myself get annoyed when people brush off my "career" choice as a full-time mom. It's really not considered work by society, but that is because society is stupid. I mean, try spending all day on your feet, meeting the needs of a varying group of people, who don't even let you use the bathroom on your own. Added on top of that is the responsibility of keeping the house clean, doing endless laundry, hours of chauffeuring, cooking meals that will be scorned by at least one person in the group, budgeting, and teaching said group of people to be upstanding, functional, good citizens. Yeah, piece of cake! Ha! It's amazing anyone survives motherhood with any brain cells in tact, let alone avoiding a permanent stay at the loony bin.

Being a mom is physically and emotionally draining. Sometimes you feel like you are pushed to the limit and can't do anymore, but you always plow through the tough times because you're the mom and everyone is counting on you. No matter how tired you are, you just keeping going. Duracell could learn a thing or two from moms. We're beyond long lasting, we don't ever quit.

And yet, despite all the amazing feats we accomplish every day, we're looked down upon by society. And sadly, sometimes we believe we're wasting our time being at home. As if there is anything more important we could be doing. Who cares what the world says? Moms are tougher than tough and stronger than strong. Most of the time we put every one's needs before our own because we have too. We have to exercise patience and self control. Sometimes we loose it, but more often than not we will rock solid. We are iron women, super human, and hold the future of the world in our hands. Yeah, totally not an important job at all!

Somehow, homemaker, house wife, or domestic goddess just don't cut it. I don't think there is a title to describe all that a mom does. We're just too amazing to be labeled.


annjeanette said...

Thank you, Sue. Love you.

Stephanie Black said...

I think you're right--how can you cover all that a mom does in one title??