Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's better to be irresponsible

Why does our society reward irresponsibility and poor money management? I really need to stop being such a responsible, hard working, honest person because we're not the ones that get ahead in the world anymore.

I am just a tad annoyed at the current economy. There are all sorts of programs available for people who have gotten "in over their heads" with their mortgages. Lower interest rates, refinancing for a fraction of the price, etc. I can't count how many times we have received notices in the mail that we may be able to lower our mortgage by taking advantage of said programs. Seriously, I could have planted a forest for all of the paper they have wasted on me. I have disregarded these notices over and over because I know exactly what is going to happen. Finally, after being sick of all the "junk mail", my husband called one of these places to find out about the government programs available. Just on a whim.

What happened was what we both expected, so no tears were cried, just annoyance shared. We don't qualify for such programs. Simple fools that we were, we have always paid our mortgage on time faithfully. No cheap refinancing for us, no lower interest rates. But if we had hit hard times in paying our mortgage, well then, we would have been welcomed with open arms.

Now I wasn't looking for a free ride. We bought our house knowing what we got ourselves into and have paid our mortgage without issue. What bugs me is that there are programs available for people who have lived beyond their means and goofed up our economy. I agree that such programs are good for people who have lost employment or hit some financial set back. I've been very grateful my husband has remained employed and I haven't had to go to work. But what about all the morons out there who just were living beyond their means? Is it right that they benefit and are rewarded for their irresponsibility? Heck no! But then again, it's not much of a surprise since society tends to praise bad behavior nowadays.

Man, I missed out. Maybe I'll just go out on a shopping spree with my credit card. If I max it out and default payments, I'm sure I can find a good program to help me out. Spend today, think tomorrow!

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