Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another Genius Moment for Feminism

I remember when feminism used to have purpose, but that was before I was old enough to know what feminism was. It seems as though the modern quest for equal rights has gone completely insane. Women end up looking more like idiots than intelligent beings worthy of respect.

Here's our latest example of feminism at it's best: two dozen women marching topless through Portland to prove the double standard in society concerning male and female nudity. The marchers wanted to prove that topless women are the same as topless men. What they weren't expecting, because they obviously have been living under a rock, was the male oglers that the march would draw.

Ty McDowell, who organized the march, said she was "enraged" by the turnout of men attracted to the demonstration. The purpose, she said, was for society to have the same reaction to a woman walking around topless as it does to men without shirts on.

Really? Um, was Ms. McDowell on drugs, drunk, or psychologically unstable when she planned this protest and made this statement? Because I can't figure out how any sane person would ever think a topless woman would get the same reaction as a topless male. But then I dare to believe that men and women are different. Gasp! It's true, I admit it. I actually believe the hogwash in biology books and what life experience has taught me. I've given birth to children and breast fed while my husband has been unable to do so. So I'm willing to accept that our bodies are made differently and, thus, are not identical. Therefore, I do have one more private area to my body, my chest, because of the way it was created.

I don't know how I have lived all these years with such a burden, truly I don't. I have felt so trampled down by men because I have been assigned one more "special" part of my body. Oh, the cruelty of it all!

Aside from physical differences, let's just talk about common sense. We live on this crazy planet called Earth. And on this world there are these people known as "men". Due to physiological differences, men think about sex a lot more than women. To put it bluntly, men like boobs and looking at them. Most people know these facts, unless they are living in an alternate reality like our dear above mentioned marchers. This goes to show that if a woman takes off her shirt in public, she will get just a tad bit of attention from the opposite sex. Seriously, how stupid can you be?

Topless women will never be seen the same as topless men. Marching around showing your boobs is not going to help the feminist cause or get the right kind of attention. I just saw a shirtless old man working on a car today, his gut hanging over the hood. That was scary enough. I really don't want to see my sixty year old neighbor weeding her flower bed topless. I'd much rather prefer everyone keep their clothes on. I like using my brain, rather than my body, to make a point. Call me old-fashioned.

1 comment:

judy said...

These women's reality must be in the heads. They are certainly not living in this world. I just am amazed a so many wacko people in this world!