Friday, April 16, 2010

Are you grateful for the manna?

We're studying Exodus in Gospel Doctrine and, as always, I am learning a lot. I find the children of Israel amusing. Probably because I can see a lot of my children in them at times and maybe even a bit of myself.

What really struck me this week was the whole manna ordeal. I find it fascinating how it all worked and that the Lord perfectly provided a way to take care of His people. Not very surprisingly since, after all, He is perfect Himself. It's interesting to see how the children of Israel reacted to such a diet. They seemed pretty happy with it at first, and even grateful, though some greedy folks tried to horde manna and had unsavory results because of it. But after awhile, they get tired of eating the same old fare and started to complain. I admit that I've never had to eat the same meal day after day, year after year. I am sure it would get old rather quickly. But what about the miracle of how that food came to be? Don't you think seeing God's hand in it would quiet any complaints and instill humility and gratitude instead? Surely we don't get tired of the blessings the Lord gives us?

Think again. We're not so far off from those traveling Israelites of long ago. What once seems exciting and new, filling us with gratitude, can eventually become old and boring. I applied this concept to my opportunity to be a full-time at home mom. What a blessing, especially in this economy, to not have to go to work. Ever since we've had our first child, I've been at home full-time. I've never had to work. I've never had to put my kids in daycare and I have been here to take care of them, watch them grow, and love them every step of the way. How special! Yet, at times this doesn't always seem like such a wonderful thing. There are those moments when my children drive me batty for hours, days, or weeks on end. Those days when I would give anything to switch places with my husband and get away. Times when I miss working and bringing home a paycheck, some tangible reward for my efforts, as opposed to the clean house, clothes, or dishes that are quickly dirtied. What was once a great blessing can at times be a burden. Why? Because of my attitude. Like the children of Israel, I suffer from periodic blindness when I fail to see the miracle that is. Of course, we all have bad days and are allowed such, but consistent loss of spiritual sight is destructive.

Apply the above concept to any area of your life. Job, money, health, children, church callings, etc. Are you able to see the blessings around you? Or have you allowed yourself to become immune to them? Can you only see with your physical eyes? Everyone has struggles and trials in this life. That's just part of the game. But the Lord blesses each and everyone one of us. Sometimes it is with a tender mercy, small and simple, and other times the blessings are huge. The point is that we all have them in our lives. But do we choose to see those blessings or do we get "bored" with them? Are we grateful for the manna in our lives or are with looking for something more?

1 comment:

Lempskies said...

Great thoughts. Gratitude is the key to happiness.
Hope your Birthday is great!