Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Peaceful Morning Ride

This morning I finally was able to motivate myself and get out of bed. I am feeling much better after visiting the doctor and getting some good ideas on how to deal with my allergies. I feel human again! I had to take advantage of my new bike and go for a bike ride.

Something I am very grateful for is my body. No, I don't like all the wear and tear aging and children, especially, have left on it. But who cares? I have a body and it works! These past few weeks of not feeling like exercising have been miserable. I am a very active person and hate to be stuck otherwise. It was heavenly to get out and moving! I love my body and the amazing things it can do! There is something to be said for exercising in the morning, before everyone and everything is up and going. I was the only person out on the bike trail. I saw numerous rabbits, insects, and various other animals as I rode by a farm. There was a peaceful stillness in the air. And the briskness before the sun has fully warmed everything up. It was so energizing and refreshing. It made me appreciate the beauty around me. It also brought back memories of riding on bike trails through Tyler Park in Pennsylvania or going along the canals by the Delaware River. Talk about beauty! I love being out in nature with no distractions and morning is the best time to do that.

I missed my early morning time to ponder, reflect, and exercise. I am excited to be back at it again. I hope you all take time each day to do something that helps you feel grateful for your body and the beautiful world around you and allows you time to ponder. It's great for perspective and attitude!

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

People think I am crazy because I am at the gym at 5 in the morning. But I feel like you do: it is the best time of day to do something for yourself physically, mentally, spiritually. Hope your allergies get under control soon. They are the worst! And post a picture of your bike! I want to see it. :D