Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm not aging, everyone else is!

This month I am turning 31. It all seems like a bunch of numbers to me. I don't feel like I am 31. I'd put myself around 25 in my mind. Sure, my body has shown a few signs of getting older, but nothing to worry about. I can't actually be in my 30's, though. It's just a number.

But what does make me feel old is other people aging. Next month my oldest child will be turning eight and getting baptized. What? When did Anna get old enough for that? Not only that, but she has started to ask more observant questions about the moral code of the world she sees outside of our home. Huh? She's too young to notice these things.

Or what about the twin boys from our ward who were barely in Young Men's when we moved in? They seemed so little back then. No way they can they be going on missions!
Speaking of missionaries, they seem like kids to me now.

Then there's the younger siblings of friends from my youth. I keep running into them on Facebook. They're all married and have a child or two. This past week I got a wedding invitation for the younger brother of a friend. The last time I remember him he was a little deacon. Isn't he still that age? When did he grow up and who said he was old enough to get married?

This also applies to nieces and nephews. I remember my little niece when we got married. She was just a girl and so excited to get a picture of me in my "princess" wedding dress. Now she's old enough to date. Or my other niece, who I remember babysitting when she was in diapers, will be starting her Senior year this next school year. It blows my mind!

You see, I'm not really aging. I'm still young at heart. It's everyone else that keeps growing and aging. They're the ones trying to give me a complex. They're the root of the problem. Me, I'm still cute and young at 31. Just don't tell me about another person younger than me getting married or having kids!


annjeanette said...

I felt the same way last year. Next year, I'll have TWO of my children baptized. THAT really blows my mind!

Anonymous said...

You are still cute at 31! And you'll be even more beautiful when your 40! Have a Happy Birthday my dear friend!