Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bedtime Ramblings

I can't think of anything I really want to write about. I have a few ideas, but nothing jumps out at me at the moment, begging to be written about. And I am just plain crabby because it was one of those bedtime battling nights. One where no one wants to go to sleep, but you know they are tired and really need to. Mr. Jacob who is darling and adorable, but in to EVERYTHING and refusing to sleep. Mom desperately needs a break from his antics by bedtime. Not to mention that I had the brilliant idea to paint Anna's toe nails. Ever since I had my pedicure done she has wanted to get one. Being cheap (no way am I paying for my eight year old to get a pedi!) I bought some white nail polish and promised to paint some design on her toenails. This would have gone well had she been able to leave her toes alone, but she wasn't able to and after repainting them twice, I was ready to breathe fire from my mouth. Not to mention an attack of the munchies that makes me want to devour all salty and sweet goods in our cupboards. So far I have resisted, but once Little Miss Can't-Leave-Her-Toenails-Alone goes to bed, I am hitting the ice cream. Bring it on, baby!

1 comment:

mathmom said...

I think our kids were channeling each other last night. Are they just getting antsy because it is nearing the end of the school year? It seems a bit early for that. Maybe it was the crazy, windy weather. I sure hope tonight goes better, for all of us.