Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Rachel!

Yesterday was sweet Rachel's 6th birthday. Where did the time go? She had a fun Batman and Robin filled day, from new Batman bedding and toys, a Robin cake, and even a visit to school by her mom to make Bat-planes with her class. I can't believe my little girl is six. I love Rachel. She is the girl I wish I was brave enough to be as a kid. We may butt heads at times because we both are stubborn, but I love how Rachel knows who she is, what she likes, and what she wants out of life and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. Go Rachel! And I think the last picture is a classic example of who Miss Rachel is. It's been a wonderful six years!


annjeanette said...

Holy Hannah! When we met you, she was like 3 weeks old! Where has the time gone?! What a doll! That stubborn streak will serve her well when she is a teenager!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rachel! I love that she loves to be who she is too. (I hated dolls and loved to play trucks and catch snakes with my brothers when I was a kid!) Go Girl!!!