Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ramblings of a Sunday evening

-The girls have been home on Spring Break this past week. I have really enjoyed having them here to entertain the boys. What will Jimmy do once Rachel goes back to school? What will I do? I love, love, love that my children play so well together.

-I have had a headache the past three days. Either it's allergies or I am getting sick. I wish it would just get on with it, just be full blown sick or not. Enough of this stupid headache that makes me miserable, but not bed bound!

-I just finished reading Rhys Bowen's "Royal Flush". I love her "Her Royal Spyness" series. Fun books about a young English royal who gets mixed up in all these capers. Good times.

-Why is it when I feel sick all areas of my self esteem suffer? When I feel sick, I feel "blah" all over about myself. Blah. I am not a good sick person.

-I am speaking this next week in Sacrament on Charity. I am excited/ nervous. It'll be interesting how we will handle the Jacob beast since we is always trying to get up front to be with his dad anyhow. Hmmmmm. But I love to teach and give talks because you learn so much in the process.

-I love doing genealogy and temple work. It's addictive.

-Potty training is going well, though sometimes Mr. Jacob is stubborn about it. You'd think it would be worse to hold it all in. Whatever!

-Our home teacher stole our three younger kids to take them to his house and show them his chicken coop. They just love him anyhow. He can do that any day!

-When did my oldest get so old? Soon she will be 9! What?! Before I know it she'll be graduating high school. They say times goes by fast and I believe it!

-April is almost here. I love April! Easter, General Conference, and all the best birthdays are in April!

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