Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Best Birthday Gift Ever

Last night Marshall and I had the chance to renew our temple recommends. It is such a neat and sweet experience to have your husband be the one who asks you the questions for the recommend. There is just a special spirit about it. I had to chance to go through the interview process with Marshall and a member of the Stake Presidency and felt such an excitement by the end. How wonderful it is to answer those questions with confidence and know that I AM worthy to go to the temple!

As I pondered this experience and thought about my birthday coming the next day, I thought there really is no better present I can give myself than a current temple recommend. And what another wonderful and most vaulable gift to have a husband who is a current recommend holder as well. I thought about the Sue of my late teen years and early twenties, trying to find her way and making some tough choices that led to loneliness, confusion, and sometimes pain for herself and those around her. She knew that it would be worth it and it has been. I am keeping that promise to myself and living the life I worked so desperately, with the help of the Lord, to get.

I don't think there is any better gift to want and receive than knowing that my husband and I are completely committed to the Lord, each other, and our covenants. Happy Birthday to me!


annjeanette said...

Happy Birthday dear! Can't wait to see you next week and we'll use that new birthday gift of yours! ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday friend! I hope you have a wonderful day.