Sunday, April 8, 2012

What matters most on Easter

For the past five days Marshall has been sick, sick, sick. It all started on Tuesday evening and only got worse. He didn't go to work on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. By Thursday we decided we should get to the doctor and see if we could get some answers. Marshall thought he had strep throat as he had a very sore throat, fever, and aches and pains all over. It turns out that instead of strep, he has H1N1. Needless to say, it has been a long week playing nurse and the role of two parents. The worst part was seeing Marshall in pain and not being able to do anything about it. I am grateful for the kind friends who have brought us meals and for the many prayers and sweet thoughts on our behalf.

Being Easter, we did have plans to have family and friends over for a big Easter dinner. I was bummed that we couldn't and that Marshall missed the big Easter egg hunt in our neighborhood. Plus he missed out on a beautiful Sacrament meeting filled with wonderful talks and inspiring music. As I was pondering all of this at church, I realized that none of that really mattered. What does it matter if we missed out on some Easter traditions? Those are not what Easter is about. What is most important about Easter is knowing that Christ lives. He is risen! He has suffered for our sins and overcame death so that we can triumph in this mortal life and return to live with our Father again. He lives!

What more can a person want? I have the most cherished thing in the world, a knowledge and testimony of the Savior and His restored Gospel to the earth. And I have my family with me. My sweet husband can be at my side for all eternity. What an incredible gift!

So maybe this Easter didn't go the way I had planned, but it really doesn't matter. I still have what is most important. I know that He lives.