Tuesday, May 4, 2010


In a day and age when everyone is "open" about everything and "liberated" from any societal ties that would bind them, why are so many people bitter, angry, pessimistic, and selfish?

I've often pondered this as I watch the world around me further progress in liberalism and open mindedness. I find it fascinating when a person who claims to be a free thinker, accepting of new ideas, comes across someone who has a differing opinion than his own. The old saying should be changed to, "Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned." It's fine to preach acceptance, but don't disagree with me or else I will passionately fill my every waking hour with vengeful thoughts and deeds against you. Since when does being "open minded" mean I have to agree with you? I thought it just meant being willing to be introduced to new ideas, even if you end up disagreeing with them. Aren't said liberal enthusiasts just as bad as the conquistadors who forced their "higher" ways of living on the natives they came across when they landed upon these shores? Am I really "uneducated" and "lower" than you if I don't share the same opinion you have? Is name calling, violently protesting, and spewing forth hatred something an educated person would do? How dare I be so logical!

It doesn't seem very helpful either when society tends to accept most things as good. We don't want to judge anyone, that would be "close minded". We must embrace everyone and their sins. Only a few things can be called bad anymore because we are too busy trying not to offend anyone. But has embracing wickedness really helped anyone? Are more people running around feeling fulfilled and happy because they can do almost anything they want without recourse? Is this new freedom really liberating?

I'm going to say "no". Call me a crazy conservative or whatever you will, but I just don't see very many happy loving people running around the world. Removing societal boundaries, refusing to recognize consequences, and imposing beliefs on others is not a recipe for harmony. But then again, what do I know? I'm just one of the uneducated masses who foolishly believes historu repeats itself.

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