Friday, May 7, 2010

My many mothers

In Webster's Dictionary the definition of "mother" includes that of "maternal tenderness or affection". When we think of Mother's Day we tend to reflect on our own mothers, but fail to recognize the many women who have helped shape our lives and make us the people we are today. The following is a list of some of the many women who have become a mother to me through the kindness and tenderness they have shown me.

1. My own mother- She has taught me so much through her example of service, love, and kindness. She has inspired and nurtured my creative talents and shown me love and understanding through all that life has brought me. And she has overcome much opposition to allow me a better life than what she experienced. I will always be grateful to her for that strength and triumph.

2. My dear step-mother- I hate to use the term "step-mother" because one immediately thinks of some wicked woman. Arlene is far from that. She had the difficult job of entering our lives and finding her place as a stepmother. She has always been so caring, loving, and supportive of me. She's always avoided speaking ill of others and has been a wonderful example of independence, intelligence, and strength.

3. My mother-in-law- I really lucked out because I love my mother-in-law. She is a woman I admire and respect. I have often looked to her as an example to pattern my life after when it comes to raising my children in the Gospel and being a support to my husband in his church callings. She is a great example of service and love.

4. My angel- Sweet Darci who has come into our family as a grandmother and mother through the love and service she has shown us. By sitting with me and the children every Sunday, helping me in times of need, and welcoming us into her life as her own family, I have found a priceless friend, mother, and strength that will last beyond years.

5. My sister Cindy- At a time in my life when the world seemed to be crashing down and I did not know where to turn for peace, she was there with love, support, and hope. Because of her testimony and faith in the Gospel, I was baptized into the church and later changed my life to follow the Lord completely. Without her I wouldn't be who or where I am today. She was the only family member able to come to my wedding and support me on that beautiful day. I will NEVER forget that. I pray one day to return to favor to her as she now has taken a different path in life.

6. My Young Womens leader- Sister Rolph was there every Sunday when I was a teenager. She was a YW leader and later my seminary instructor. Whenever I missed a Sunday because I was visiting my father, she would follow up and ask how I was and where I'd been. She noticed if or when I didn't feel like coming. She was persistent and loving. I never felt like I was an obligation, but rather someone she truly cared about. Because of that love I kept going back to church even when there were times I didn't want to. I know she'd be looking for me. I knew she cared.

7. My roommate Autumn- She went through the temple with me before I was married. It was a bittersweet experience to be able to make those covenants for myself. Beautiful and yet sad because I had no family able to take me through. She was so helpful and loving and I will never forget the service she gave me by being my escort.

The list could go on and on because there are many women who have been mothers to me in my life and I am grateful to each and every one of them. I hope you take this Mother's Day to thank those "mothers" in your life.

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