Monday, June 8, 2009

An Answer to Prayers

The Lord has shown me again how aware He is of me. I have had so much fun teaching Primary, but there are Sundays when I feel very overwhelmed and very much surrounded by children. From wrestling with them in sacrament and then off to handling some of my more energetic little CTR 7 boys, I am ready to pop on some Sundays. Lately it's been rough and I've been telling the Lord about it. Sometimes it's hard to get spiritually fed when you are playing referee to kids. I was really missing the feast that can come from going to Sunday School and Relief Society.

They say be careful what you ask for! The Lord heard my prayers and then some. Yesterday I came home from church with a new calling, Gospel Doctrine teacher! Ha! That will teach me! And I can't even blame my husband because he's the bishop because it was his two counselors who immediately thought of me when they were discussing who to call.

In all honesty, I am very excited. I LOVE to teach and testify about the Gospel. Living and studying the gospel is my life and passion and I love to share it with others. I know that I will definitely be spiritually fed now as I pour over my lesson each week and pray for guidance. I know I will learn and my testimony will grow as I prepare and teach my lesson.

I will admit that I am a bit nervous teaching adults. The last time I taught Gospel Doctrine was right after I was married. It terrified me. Almost nine years later I'm not as scared because I am much more studied in the Gospel and have had more teaching experience. But I am still nervous about working with adults, especially since we have a lot more elderly people in our ward. I won't be able to promise them something fun if they are good or do activities like we did in Primary! It's intimidating to know I'll be teaching people who know more than me. But it'll be a great experience and we'll get through it! I always love a challenge.

So beware, the Lord does hear and answer or prayers, sometimes in ways we wouldn't even imagine!


annjeanette said...

Congrats!! You'll be great!

Michelle said...

I think it is awesome. I love it when you taught Relief Society. I looked forward to it every month and was sad when I had to miss it. Congratulations on your new calling.

Anonymous said...

You'll do awesome. The difference between you and me is that I probably would have 'killed' my husband after getting that calling. Or at least not talk to him for a month. You are much better than me!!! Good luck!