Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What Will You Be Remembered For?

What will I be remembered for? I thought about this after attending the funeral of my husband's sweet coworker. She was an amazing lady that was full of love, service, and humor. Hearing about her life got me thinking about my own. When I die, what will people remember about me? Is my focus on the right things in life?

I've been to a few LDS funerals and a lot that are not and never have I heard the following things said about the deceased: "She was known for keeping a really clean house", "He was expert at Mario Kart Wii", "She always had the cutest Relief Society hand-outs", "He had lots of money", "He lived in a huge gorgeous home that was immaculately decorated", "She worked hard to maintain her size 6 figure throughout her life", "She always wore the latest fashions", "He had the biggest flat screen tv I have ever seen", etc. People don't remember you for those things. They don't matter a bit in the eternal scheme of our existence.

This got me to wondering where my focus is. Is it on those material/ physical aspects of life that really don't matter? Am I putting my heart in the right place? I think for the most part, like the rest of you, I keep a good focus, but there are those times when I let something worldly distract me. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy, cute, or have neat stuff, but if we allow those things to overtake our lives, they will define who we are. Those interests will consume us. When it comes down to it, all those things won't matter. What will be remembered is the kind of person we were, how we treated others, our testimony and church service, the example we set, and where we put the Lord in importance in our life. Those are the things people will remember.

I want to be remembered as a woman who loved the Lord and put serving Him and living the Gospel first in her life. A woman who loved her family and expressed those tender feelings in her conduct towards them. I want to be remembered for being valiant in my testimony and keeping my covenants. A woman who helped and served many. (kind of like Marshall's coworker.) I want to be known for who I was and what I did, rather than for what I owned, aspired to have, or how attractive I was. It's a big job, but I'm working on it. I know that in the Lord all things are possible and He will help me reach my full potential as I turn to and keep my focus on Him.

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