Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Blogging Blahs

You know, I've just had the "blogging blahs". I have a few good ideas here and there, but never seem to have the time I want to write them or can't remember them when I do. It's summer and life is busy. So you get a random blog instead.

1. I fixed my vacuum. I took it apart on Saturday and couldn't figure out why the brush wasn't rotating. We were debating getting a new vacuum. I took it apart again yesterday and figured out it needed a new part. Now it works wonderfully with said new part.

2. Why did God invent three year olds? Forget "terrible two's". It's all about surviving three year-olds.

3. Which brings me to my next thought, is it really that hard to decide what to eat for breakfast? Jimmy asks for one thing and then refuses to eat it. Like I picked it for him! He choose it and then acts offended that I actually give him what he asked for. Three year-olds!

4. Why is it that I felt good for a week and got back into exercising only to feel yucky again? Hmm. I swear it is a conspiracy. That or dehydration. I always get dehydrated in the summer here because I forget to drink enough water.

5. I hate St. George in the summer. I love it aside from those three months of death heat. But in the summer I just hate it.

6. People who say they love the heat are insane.

7. "Kim Possible" is most likely my favorite kid's show because it is cute and witty. If I'm going to be stuck listening to something it might as well be something fun.

8. On the other hand "Lazy town" is the oddest kid's show. It's very annoying. I am glad my kids are no longer hooked on it.

9. Jacob has become an eating machine. That boy can put back quite a bit of baby food. He is one growing baby.

10. Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches are soooooo good. They are low calorie and taste delicious. How can that be? I want one right now. . .

11. So Marshall took my van to girl's camp and got it all muddy. The deal was he had to wash it afterwards, which he did last night. Today Jimmy smeared his ice cream cone all over the side of the van. I love it!

12. People tell me I worry too much about offending them. True. That's what happens when you grow up having to walk on eggshells. however, people tell me I have no problem "telling it like it is" when it comes to teaching Gospel Doctrine.

12. Mopping, laundry, and most household chores seem like an effort in futility when one has children.

13. Hugs, kisses, and "thank you" and "I love you" from my kids make all those efforts in futility well worth it.

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

Regarding #6: I am one of those insane people. Honestly, I don't mind the heat and we are ever hotter in Vegas than you are in St. George. The only time I've hated it so far was last summer when I was about 300 months pregnant with Emma.