Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Blessing of Rolls

Sometimes I forget that the Lord is looking out for me and aware of my needs.

Today we invited Rachel's old Sunbeam teacher over for dinner. She is a sweet sister that Rachel still loves and adores. We love her so much! Well, I knew that I had to get home, get the kids changed and snacked, and then mix up some bread dough to rise so we could have bread with dinner. I didn't sleep well last night and so am tired and feel off. Plus after church it seems like everyone needs everything right now! I knew Marshall would be gone until late afternoon so I'd be on my own for dinner prep and kid herding. I just wasn't looking forward to doing it on my own. Plus I always stress about dinner being "perfect" or near to it.

As I was helping Jimmy change from church, there was a knock at the door. I wondered who it could be since anyone wanting to see Marshall would know he would be at the church right now. It was sweet Sister Loo, who periodically brings us baked goods and treats. There she was on my door step with fresh baked rolls and jam. She wanted to thank us for all we do for the ward. Little did she know that she was an answer to prayers and taking a burden off my shoulders. Not only did she bring us something, but it was exactly what I was stressing over finding the time to make for dinner. I couldn't help but tear up as I closed the door when she left.

The Lord is aware of me. Sometimes I forget, but then He reminds me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how things work out! Enjoy the rolls.