Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stress? What Stress?

Instead of going to the temple this morning during "Grandma Day", I decided to spend my time in InstaCare. Okay, I didn't really decide to, but I figured I better see what is going on with my body and my doctor wasn't in office today. I have been feeling nauseated, chilled, and having severe back pain. Totally not cool, especially for a mom of little kids. Well I got all sorts of tests done. I even got to get a body scan for kidney and gall stones. Awesome. But no results. Apparently everything is in good form, which is what I want to hear. So the doctor gave me some pain killers and muscle relaxers and sent me on the way. Since then I've talked to a few people and they say it sounds like it's a result of stress. Stress? How can that be?

How could being worried about my sister's silly actions and leaving the Gospel during her divorce cause me stress? Or the upcoming trip we are planning to Pennsylvania this month where certain parties want us to spend more time with them cause worry? Or the shaky economy that is causing friends to have to lose their homes and causing financial uncertainty for all? Or getting enough sleep at night due to a teething baby? Not to mention the normal stresses brought about by being a bishop's wife? Ah, the list could go on. Yeah, how could it be that stress is taking it's toll on my body? What stress?

It's time like these that I am forced to take a step back and re-evaluate. Time to take a deep breath and count my many blessings. Put my trust in the Lord and try my best to push forward. Remember that He doesn't give me trials I cannot handle, though sometimes it may feel like it. That doesn't mean there won't be stress along the way, but it does mean I can control what I worry about. I hate to see people around me suffer. It's just part of my nature. But I have to remember that I can't fix it for them. (Can I get that tattooed on my forehead or something so I will remember it?)

I am a blessed woman. I am. I have four beautiful healthy children and a husband who loves me as fiercely as I do him. I have a roof over my head and food to eat. And I have the greatest gift of happiness, the restored Gospel. So despite life's challenges, I can have peace. (And comfort, since I am popping those muscle relaxers as soon as the kids go to bed. Party!)


Anonymous said...

Not expecting? (Sorry, I had too.) Remember to breath through it all. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. (Oh great, she's quoting scriptures again!)

Lempskies said...

I wouldn't tattoo it on your forehead. Maybe write the Philippians scripture on your fridge and add cute stickers. People in St. George would look at you funny if you went with the 1st option.

Bless your heart. You do have lots of reasons to stress. I think you are amazing! Hang in there.