Monday, July 6, 2009

Muffin Top

I love words and especially when one perfectly describes a feeling, situation, or person. For instance, there are just some people in the world that can only be described as skanky. It sounds like what it describes. Yuck!

One of my most favorite terms is "muffin top". No, we're not talking about the crunchy tops of muffins, though having a good blueberry muffin wtih a crumb topping sounds divine right now. Muffin top refers to the skin that is exposed/ hangs between one's pants and one's shirt. I love the expression because it looks exactly like a muffin top. Perfect description!

Too bad I'm not so fond of seeing actual muffin tops than I am of the word. I always wonder about people. Do they not feel the air blowing on their mid section as it droops over their pants? Do they not realize their clothing is five sizes too small and thus creating the muffin top effect? I mean, I am all about being confident and loving your body for whatever it may be, but that doesn't mean you should dress like a size 0 model if you actually are a size 12 woman. It just won't look good. You can be bigger and still look good. It's all about the clothes. And muffin topping is not the answer.

But what do I know? Maybe some guys really like to grab a handful of flesh to hold on to. I'd just rather not see it spilling out everywhere. Still, you have to admit "muffin top" is a great term.


Stephanie Black said...

So true! A shirt that covers the midriff would be about a hundred times more flattering.

judy said...

I agree. Great descriptiong. Gross sight as are those unlovely tatoos that many women so proudly wear on the small of their backs. Yuk!!