Monday, July 13, 2009


I feel like the Pink Floyd song "Is anybody out there?" lately. (Yes, I do know Pink Floyd from a previous life. Cool music to listen to while watching a planetary program at the Franklin Planetarium in Philly. they had some fun stuff there.)I know it is summer and people are busy, but everyone must be having a much more exciting life than mine because it seems like no one is commenting as of late. Have you all just gotten tired of my preaching? Is anybody out there? Let me know!


Anonymous said...

I'm here!!!! I think of you daily and have been tempted several times to give you a call. I am struggling a lot with my ward and sometimes just want to curl up in a ball and hope that no one finds me. Miss you tons!!!!

Michelle said...

I'm here. I have noticed that nobody comments on any of mine so I quit writing. I was wondering if anyone was even reading them.

Bonnie said...

I'm here, Sue. I think it's just that everyone is out and about for the summer and so people aren't checking blogs as often (or emailing... hint hint).

mathmom said...

Well, this is 4 days late, but I'm here. I just haven't had much computer time lately.