Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th!

Tomorrow is the 4th of July, one of my favorite holidays. It doesn't have all the cool decorations and candy of Halloween or the Spirit of Christmas, but it has fireworks and celebration of our freedom.

I love America. I do. I may not always agree with what goes on in the nation's capitol, but I feel very blessed to live in the land that I do. We have so many freedoms and luxuries that we take for granted. We can express our opinions on issues without fear of a violent reaction. Just look at the protests in Iran. Death to all the protesters is being demanded by many. Meanwhile we can have our little "Tea Partys" to show our dissatisfaction with President Obama and no one starts issuing death sentences to us.

We enjoy religious freedom, for which I am truly grateful. I can practice my religion freely, go to the temple as often as I want, and attend church openly.

I am a woman and enjoy the right to an education, a good education, the right to work, and the right to speak my mind.

I can get good medical care for my children. I live in a country that continues to study and research the best medical treatments for illness and disease.

I can have a house and two cars and live a comfortable life. I can make my way in this world if I work hard.

I have so many stores to choose from, like Wal-Mart, Target, and multiple grocery markets. I can just drive down the road two minutes and run into a bunch of retailers to meet my needs. I have access to so many goods and food products.

I live in a nation full of rich history, heroes who sacrificed everything to bring this country about. I can take pride in those wonderful men and women and the example they set.

The list could go on and on. I am proud to be an American. I am grateful to be a part of this great nation. We're not perfect, but we are blessed. It truly is the land of the free.

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