Monday, July 20, 2009

George Washington, where are you?

I would love it if the Founding Fathers of our country, like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, etc., came back and kicked some major bootie in the White House and Congress. I don't think they'd be too pleased to see what has happened with our current government. What we need is an old school smack down!

I must have not been paying attention, but I didn't realize the office of President had changed to that of a monarchy. It seems to me that President Obama is going full steam ahead with all of his horrible plans, regardless of the outcry from people. I guess our opinion doesn't matter much anymore. What about government for the people and by the people? Most people I talk to feel like their opinions and voices are being trampled under and tossed aside by the current administration.

Since when did health care become a right? I agree that there are problems in the system and some things just cost way too much, but where does it say that everyone is entitled to health care coverage? Usually one has to pay money to get it and that is just how life works. Just like you have to pay to eat food, own a home, or drive a car. And the way we pay for those things is by working.

Now I know there are those unfortunate group of people who make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but don't make enough money to afford insurance. The cost of insurance is insane. I don't like to think about how much of our money goes to it. But giving health care to everyone is not the answer. That money is going to have to come from somewhere to pay for every one's insurance and, unless President Obama has a money tree he hasn't been telling us about, the funds are going to come from us taxpayers. So then I'll be paying for my insurance and someone else's? Not to mention that the quality of care will go down drastically if health care is socialized. Have you ever talked to anyone who has lived in Canada or some other country that practices socialized medicine? It's not a pretty picture.

Here is a radical idea. Why don't we fix the problems we have and not create any more? Let's take a good look at Medicaid and Social Security, programs that are dying out and sorely abused, and make them actually work for the benefit of the American people. What if we made better requirements, like having to work, for Medicaid? What if it could help those families who don't qualify now, but are too poor to afford insurance on their own? Isn't that the real purpose behind the idea? Wouldn't that just be plain crazy to dig down and re-evaluate these programs instead of piling more problems on top of the mess? Wow! Novel idea!

Of course, this is all just a bunch of rambling by a mad woman. I really would have no clue what is best for the country. I'm just one of the lowly masses, here to fund the crazy ideas of our beloved monarch. My opinion really isn't worth much. George Washington, where are you?

1 comment:

judy said...

I swear I am ready for a revolution! The man is crazy with power and is acting like a smiling, big toothed dictator. Our entire government is out of control and definately out of the hands of those who elected them. I say lets clean house in the next elections!