Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Looking for the Rays

I would like one or two or three of the above, please. Why is it whenever I get frustrated with things I crave sweets, especially ice cream or chocolate? Why can't I crave carrots or apples? Hmmmmm? It's a good thing my husband is at church and I am in no mood to load up the kids to fix my craving. But it sure does sound nice.

I've decided that I am not made for trials. At least I must have hit my limit sometime during my teenage years because I have no patience for them anymore. These past few months have been full of them and it seems like I can be positive and then all of a sudden get really crabby. I know those moments of frustration and doubt are normal for everyone, but it's still annoying. What's up with not being perfect?

But I have been looking harder for those little rays of sunshine that make my days brighter and trials lighter, such as:

-Rachel dressing up as Batman, complete with black bat ears made from construction paper.

-Anna reading in bed for an hour so she can meet her weekly reading goal. (How awesome is she?!)

-Jimmy telling me, after we flushed a cockroach down the toilet, that he was going to go poop and it would go down the pipes and land on the cockroach. (Bugs and poop, he's all boy!)

-Jacob giving me a toothy grin while he flaps his arms in excitement as I come to get him out of his crib in the morning.

-Laughing with Marshall over a silly show.

-Having the cutest, most sweetest husband.

-Watching Jacob pull himself up to standing at the edge of the tub and think he is "the bomb".

-Jimmy running up to me and saying "I love you!" as he throws his arms around me.

-Rachel being too shy to sing a song for me that she learned in school.

-Anna trying her best to make Jacob happy when he is sad.

Yeah, despite all the craziness, my life is pretty darn good. Though an ice cream sundae as big as my bath tub, with no calorie consequences, would still be pretty nice.

1 comment:

judy said...

Maybe you should hide a small bag of Dove or Bliss chocolates for times like this! Of course, you may have a REALLY ROUGH day and finish your stash in record time. But this is my only suggestion. Judy