Thursday, September 17, 2009


- I find it disturbing that my kids didn't learn anything about 9-11 in school last week. Can't we take a little bit of time out of the curriculum to talk about why that day is special? I thought we weren't supposed to forget. Not mentioning it in school is one way it will be forgotten. It's unacceptable. I am glad I told my kids why it was a special day and what happened. They need to know.

-Wives do have it harder than husbands, but not for the reasons you may think. If I am overwhelmed at home, my husband can step in and help out when he can. But if he is going through a hard time at work, I can't come in to the office and knock a few heads around (no matter how tempting) to make things all better. It's hard to know that I can't help when things are crazy for him.

-Why do people comment on the number of children you have? Like it's any of their business how many you have. Unless they are involved in making the actual baby, then they need to butt out. But that doesn't stop people from asking. Maybe next time someone asks about baby numbers I'll tell them I'm not sure, but we stay in good form by practicing multiple times a day. ;)

-I love apples. This time of year always makes me want to make apple pie and crisp and pumpkin bread and cookies. It's the fat time of year. Not to mention Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas coming.

-And yet it's hard to think it's Fall when it's still 95+ outside. What a sick and twisted place I live in.

-Jimmy cannot live unless he is constantly consuming strawberry milk or apple juice. Well, he thinks he'll die without it. I disagree. Three year old tantrums are the pits.

-People who can cut out sugar from their diet amaze and scare me. How do they live?

-I think I could just sleep for a day.

-It's always darkest before someone turns on the light.


jmm43 said...

Hey! You hit me when I told you the last one.

annjeanette said...

I agree with three year old tantrums. Ugh! And Olivia is obsessed with pink milk as well. What is the deal?

Sarah said...

Practice makes perfect :) I also don't understand how people can cut sugar out of their diets! I have a friend who did and she said it's like living in a valley of exhaustion for a week, but then you feel great afterwards. But what if you're already in that valley AND on sugar?! Haha....