Friday, September 11, 2009

Where Were You When It Happened?

I had just gotten in to work and my coworker asked if I had heard about some planes crashing into buildings in New York. I had no idea what she was talking about. I remember we all sat and listened to the radio and tv with nervous anticipation about what had happened. As the news reports kept coming in I felt my heart drop. How could somehow actually do such a thing, fly an airplane into a building on purpose? Then we learned there had been two planes, the attack on the Pentagon, and then the crash in Pennsylvania. I had to call my family out there to make sure they were okay because we didn't know where in PA the plane had crashed. I remember being glued to the tv for a week every evening after work to find out more and more what has happening and what would be done. I remember being very proud of President Bush and his fierce defiance against terrorism. It was a crazy, scary time that I will never forget. Eight years later those emotions can still be felt and my pride in America is still as strong. I will always feel a quiet reverance on September 11th for the many Americans who lost their lives. I may not always agree with the politics of our President, but I am proud to be an American and love the land I call home.


jmm43 said...

I was in Modern Political Philosophy with Dr. Bohn when it was announced. Class was cancelled, and Mike Lambarth and I wandered to the bookstore to see what we could learn. It was completely silent. We watched tv with the huge crowd, and right then the first tower collapsed. I will never forget that day.

mathmom said...

I was teaching school at Hurricane High. We had the TV on in the room and just all watched it together in awe. It was a very emotional day at the school. Yet I felt perfectly safe here in southern Utah. I still remember it like it was yesterday.