Friday, October 30, 2009

Going Insane (Almost)

I'm surprised someone hasn't slipped one of the above on me this week because it feels like I am heading there. You've probably noticed I haven't been blogging much. Believe me, I have lots I want to say, just no chance to do it.

See, I've developed this 20 pound growth that is only removable during nap and bedtime. Said adorable growth thinks he needs to be attached to me at all times in order to be happy, unless it is during a brief period when he likes to climb all over the couch and do all sorts of death defying couch dives. Babies and colds don't mix. I feel like I've slowly been going insane because I have had little peace, even when I need to use the bathroom. It's amazing. I hope my poor little guy feels better soon so that we can both be happy.

But to add to the fun of my week, I woke up this morning to find our master bathroom wet thanks to a leaking toilet tank. It even got into our closet rug and the carpet downstairs in the toy room. Thankfully it was tank water and not actual used toilet water. Ugh. Just one more thing to keep us on our toes! (sob)

Thank goodness Halloween is tomorrow and we are all excited to go out and have fun. That's what is keeping me going! Trick-or-treat!

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