Friday, October 16, 2009

Why is the clock not moving?!!!!

I think this has got to be the slowest Friday in the history of the world. It seems like time is just creeping by and I am slowly going insane. Why won't the clock move any faster? (I am sure it has nothing to do with the kids being out of school today. Stupid fall break!) So to take a few minutes, here are some random Friday ramblings:

-It's Friday. Who wants to cook dinner? Not me! Going to the Paris buffet in Vegas sounds good. Creamy mashed potatoes. Mmmm. Or I could have my own chef. Why don't I have one of those already?

-If patience is a virtue, then I am the most lacking in virtue woman around. I have no patience. The longer I have to wait for things the more crabby I get. (Ask my hubby about when I am 9 months and ready to pop!)

-Why must Anna always hum or make some loud obnoxious noise? I do love her, but could do with less noise. Not to mention how she always has to play the piano every time she walks by it.

-And Jimmy's blood must be made purely from apple juice the way he downs that stuff.

-Jacob thinks he should be able to climb the stairs all the time or pull out my earrings. Cute little monkey.

-Rachel is still determined to cause Jacob physical harm by loving him too much.

-We have two wedding receptions this weekend. Wow! We've had four in the past month. How exciting, but I am glad I'm not newly married. I like knowing my husband better and not being afraid to have bodily functions around him.

-Not to mention all the embarrassing advice people give you about sex and kids when you are newlyweds. Yeah! How can you make this time more awkward by talking about something I would never dream of mentioning. Thanks for the info! TMI!!! Of course, now that I am an oldlywed, I wish I could think of some embarrassing frank sex advice to give out. It's only fair, right? Plus what good gossip it would create to have the bishop's wife spouting off about sex to everyone!

-It seems like Jimmy always has to go to the bathroom. Probably because of the above mentioned apple juice.

-And still no one has brought me dinner. For rude!

Have a good weekend!


annjeanette said...

If I was there, I would bring you dinner. Or meet you at the buffet, here in Vegas!

Sarah said...

You are hilarious, Sue! I love your mention of bodily functions w/ your loved ones :) True classic Weight-ism.