Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why I Hate HOAs

This morning as I was getting ready for the day, I had the rare chance to listen to the news and was once again determined to never live in a place with a Home Owner's Association. We rented in a place where there was an HOA filled with all sorts of fun loving kind elderly people. (Ha! As if that could exist!) Once we got fined $30 for our children coloring on our driveway with chalk. I know, it's unacceptable. How do we go out in public and look people in the eyes?! We let our children use chalk! Of all things. But now an HOA in Florida is taking things to a new level, as I listened on the television and realized the Grinch does in fact exist and he lives in Florida. Read on:
A retirement community in Largo, Florida is fighting to evict six-year-old Kimberly Broffman from the home of her grandparents Jimmy and Judie Stottler, the only parents she's ever known. According to the development's bylaws, all residents must be older than 55.
Kimberly is the only person expected to vacate the home.
Kimberly's grandparents have tried selling their house to leave the neighborhood, but because of the crash in the housing market, there are no buyers. They have lowered the price from $225,000 to $129,000.
The fight between Kimberly's grandparents and the community has been going on for years, but soon a judge will decide if the girl must leave. According to NBC News, there is a real possibility that she could be placed in state foster care

Oh yes, you did read correctly. This HOA is trying to kick out a little girl, who has no where else to go, because she is under the 55 and older age limit. Forget the fact that her grandparents have been trying to sell their home so they can live somewhere that would be conducive/kind to little Kimberly. No. She apparently has to go because she is causing all sorts of problems being only 6 years old. It would be far better for this child, who comes from a rough situation, to be thrown into foster care than stay with her grandparents until they can sell their home and move. What the what?!

The HOA president was asked on tv how he felt about being "the bad guy". He said he wasn't the "bad guy". That job would fall to the sheriff when he served papers to the family once the court sentencing took place. Oh really? You're not some heartless jerk? I find that hard to believe since the sheriff wouldn't be there unless you didn't start this whole process of trying to kick the little girl out. Nice try, bub.

This is why I will never live where there is an HOA. They can be good, in theory, to keep things looking nice and have a community pool or clubhouse for those who belong. But there are always a few insane idiots who have to bring misery to their fellow neighbors,patroling the neighborhood in search of rule breakers. Said people, whom we like to call "HOA Nazis", need to get a life. This type of behavior is not healthy. It is scary. And if they don't watch themselves, they may eventually sink so low as to prey on the innocent, like our dear pals in Florida. What is this world coming to?

1 comment:

Stephanie Black said...

That's horrible. What in the world are these people thinking?