Saturday, October 24, 2009

It is finished

Two years ago in April we bought our house and thought we were getting a back yard with it. But actually we had a yard full of weeds, a little grass, and lots of over grown bushes and such that had been torn up by the dog of the previous owner. Like simple folk, we tried to add a few sprinklers to the poorly positioned ones that already existed and reseed grass. Ha! How our yard laughed at our efforts and mocked us by growing more weeds at an alarming rate. "You will not win!" it said!

Well, after much frustration, this spring Marshall took a shovel to the yard and started to tear it all up. But then summer came and so the work ceased and we were left with dirt. Yeah! Then in August Marshall and his amazing brother hit our yard with a vengeance. His parents helped to till up the evil yard and weeds (who's winning now?!) to get it ready to dig new sprinkler lines. Then Marshall and his brother worked hard to dig new trenches and put in a whole new sprinkler system. We all thought it would never end.

But then one day not too long ago, it was declared finished. So the process of filling trenches and smoothing the yard began. Then on Friday, that glorious day of the week, our sod arrived. We spent last night, with lots of help, laying all our sod. Now, after all this drama and work, we have a yard where the kids can play. (Take that weeds of doom!) It looks fantastic and I am giddy with joy! Hee hee! Thanks to everyone who helped!

Our yard when we first bought the house. No, don't be fooled by the green. It's mostly weeds my friends. Evil evil weeds that never would die!

What our yard has looked like since April. Dirt. Lots of it. This is actually a picture of Marshall and his brother finishing up filling the trenches and tilling one final time.

The finished project. Isn't it wonderful?


annjeanette said...

Congrats! Looks fabulous!

Amy said...

It looks REALLY GREAT! I can't wait to come visit some time and let my kids play! I want a back yard! (soon... soon...) Great job!

Michelle said...

It's beautiful!