Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama won what??!!!

My brain is very confused and doing the above. Could someone please explain? President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?! What the what?! I mean what has the man done to show he is worthy of it? What has he done? Well, he has torn the country apart in a heated debate over health care. But that has nothing to do with peace. I am really confused. I can pick up stuff with my toes. Does that mean I can win too? It's just a tad insulting to those who have won in the past and actually did something amazing and worthy of the prize. Seriously, this is a joke. Right?


Michelle said...

I know, I know, I just can't believe it either. It was not the first thing I wanted to see on my computer this morning or ever for that fact. I mean come on people...WAKE UP!!!

judy said...

I completely agree with you! It really downgraded the importance of the award, didn't it? It was bad enough when Al Gore won for all of his bloviating on Global Warming, but Oboma! Wake up people!!