Thursday, January 6, 2011


I see everyone is as busy as I am lately. Who has time to blog when kids and life come calling? Plus, who has any brain cells left after the above have already stolen the good ones? Shoot, I have a hard time functioning on what I already have! Today I managed to burn the bacon I was cooking for breakfast dinner. (Though in my defense it was the first time using the new electric skillet.) And my banana bread was in the oven too long and browned a little too much. (Again, I am sure that has something to do with periodically leaving the kitchen to check on my crazy boys who were chipping away ice in the back yard.) It's amazing the house still is standing by the end of the day!

And then there is the doing of home work after school. It's amazing how each child is different when it comes to doing homework. Rachel is all business. She likes to get her home work done right after dinner and be free to continue playing. I find this amusing since this is the girl who hates school. Then there is Anna, who loves school. Getting her to complete homework requires great patience, almost that of a saint. And I am no saint. Anna is smart, but she likes to stall and gets easily distracted. Doing homework with her involves lots of random questions on her part and reminders on Mom and Dad's part that she's supposed to be doing her homework. She could be finished with her school work so much faster if she just did it! Then again, I think home work is an abomination and that kids have too much of it now-a-days. But I'll save that rant for another blog.

So by the end of the day, blogging is not top on my list. Plus, who else reads them since I know everyone else is as busy as I am? But still I write because I like to write and share my thoughts. Just a reminder that I AM still here. My brain, on the other hand, is on vacation so you may have to try back later for a coherent thought.


annjeanette said...

I always read your posts! Homework ... the thorn in any mother's side. Shayla takes FOREVER - are you surprised? Christian doesn't take as long, but still isn't all business. Grrrr ..... I feel your pain!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts. You are an excellent writer. You should right a column!

judy said...

I too read your blogs. It keeps me in touch with you and your darling family. Your blogs are thoughtful, funny, and always worth reading Sue. Keep it up. I don't do facebook, so you are my favorite link to the outside world! Judy