Thursday, January 20, 2011


It is finished! My Disney character mural for our toy room/ office is complete! Sweet. I am so excited and that it turned out so well. Plus I used it as a Personal Progress Value Project so I got two things done at once. (I am working towards getting my Young Women in Excellence Award again since I am involved in YW. Leaders can earn their ribbons and medallion as well as the girls. So why not?!) Anyhow, I can relax a little until Anna has me start on Sleeping Beauty in her room. Whew! I suppose that whenever we move, we'll just have to take the walls with us!


annjeanette said...

Are you moving soon? :D I hope not. I love knowing how to get to your house! You are amazing. Simply amazing. That is all I can say. Good work!

Anonymous said...

It looks wonderful. Now to go visit Disneyland. Have a fun time.