Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goals for the New Year

"Come what may and LOVE it" Joseph B. Wirthlin
This pretty much sums up my adopted motto for this new year. I am going to try and be better at accepting whatever life hands me, especially when it comes to the things I cannot control. You see, I am a planning person and I like to know what is going to happen and when. Life just doesn't always follow through like a perfectly executed back flip. Life usually has some kinks to it. And I don't like those little hitches to my plans. This year I resolve to bebetter at accepting those snags and finding the positive side to each one. This won't always be easy and will be a work in progress throughout my life as trials do come and change my perfectly thought out plans. But I am learning that no matter how mad, sad, frustrated, or disappointed I get at life's bumps, they still exist. Bummer. So here's to "loving" it all!

My other goal for the new year, which is equally as challenging and eventually rewarding . . . potty training Jacob. I wonder which resolution I will succeed at first. Hmmm.

Good luck to you and your goals for the year!

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

I have the same goal with Emma. Ugh. Nothing worse than potty training! I loathe it!