Monday, January 31, 2011

A peer inside this gorgeous head

- One more day until we go to Disneyland!!!!! We are not excited at all. We haven't been watching shows about the rides there, listening to Disneyland rides music, or talking about which rides we want to hit first. Totally not us at all. Must be some other Disneyland spazzes.

- My kids are excited to go to the dentist today. I wish they had fun children dentists when I was a kid. Maybe if I grew up thinking going to the dentist meant wearing sunglasses and watching movies on the flat screen on the wall then I would think dentists are fun too.

- What is up with the museum thief in Egypt who ripped off the heads of a few mummies? Dude, I can understand going after the jewels, but beheading mummies? That's just stupid and mean. Seriously. Plus what if those mummies have curses? Don't mess with the mummies!

- Nothing says "Back off or I will kill you with one stare" than buying a jumbo box of tampons and Pamprin at the store.

- If my body is going to act it's age, then random break-outs should be banned. No pimples after 20. Let's pick an age and stick with it!

- Jimmy went to the bathroom yesterday and exclaimed he didn't have underwear on and he didn't know how that happened. Hmmmm. Mysteries abound.

- I dreamt Marshall released himself as bishop so he could help me with the kids during sacrament. In my dream, I was so mad at him for being such a weenie because his time serving wasn't up. Me, mad about Marshall being released? What is the world coming to? (Though, in reality, I would kill him for that. I will miss this time as bishop when it is gone.)

- I miss good Italian food.

- My kids are obsessed with Harry Potter. Anna has read the first book and is on the second. Rachel is now reading the first book and has a mad crush on Ron. We play Lego Harry Potter, we read Harry Potter, we watch Harry Potter movies. We love Harry!

- The kids keep talking about how cool it would be if we lived at Disneyland. Oh, why is it not Tuesday morning yet?!


annjeanette said...

Have fun! I am jealous! Heck, I am jealous of anyone right now who can walk without waddling!

And don't tell Sam, but I've got a crush on Ron too! He is the best! We love Harry here too! Shayla is counting down the days until she is 8 and can read them. Yay!

Mandy said...

I love your I'll kill you with one look comment. I can't wait to read your post about Disneyland. Did I tell you how much fun it is to read your posts? They are so Sue and entertaining. Have you read Aut's book yet?

Mandy said...

oh yeah. The zits after age 16 is a bit much. Why does my face have to advertize my chocolate binges?!!