Monday, January 24, 2011

The Mystery that is "The Toddler"

The human toddler is a fascinating creature that will never cease to amaze me. The latest model in our home goes by the name of "Jacob". This adorable little being keeps me on my toes from sun-up to nap time to sun-down. I dread the day this sweet person gives up the precious nap time. I hold such a thing sacred and holy. Toddlers are put on earth to teach people, namely mothers, patience.

One often wonders what goes through the mind of these small creatures. For example, this would be a five minute sample of what the Jacob version must have thought this morning,
"I am going to hit this big lollipop on the counter. Cool! It broke up into tons of pieces. I must hit it again and again. Now that mom lady is telling me to stop so I am going to go dump this bright shiny green box of little white powder on the floor. Again with the 'no' from mom. I bet she'll be happy if I push a chair over to the counter and get myself a snack from the cupboard. The bag of pretzels make such a cool noise when I shake them upside down. Now mom is upset again and trying to move me away. Doesn't she understand my work? Maybe she'll like it if I dump out the pencils and pens from the pencil box. But now she left the room. How can I have any fun if she isn't watching me? Where did she go? Aha, the bathroom door is shut! She must be doing something fun in there if the door is shut. I should bang and yell at the door so she knows she needs to invite me in because I don't want to miss out on the fun. Bathrooms are the greatest."
Fascinating, mind boggling, and cranium blowing. This, my friends, is why nap time is sacred. I love my toddler and am so glad to have him. Jacob is so cute, friendly, and happy. How would I ever keep sane otherwise? I don't think I'll ever understand this specie, but I'll do my best to survive living with it.


Mandy said...

Autumn taught me a texting thing. Your blog made me LOL. I totally get that and they can't even walk yet. yeah. Tucker does prefer to head butt on me too, but it's not a cute thing to blog about. I love reading your blog, by the way.

Michelle said...

You are so funny! I needed that laugh so thank you. It really is true though, I watch Davin all the time and I know he is messing with me. Especially now, he knows I'm basically "out of order" and he takes advantage of it. Thank goodness I will be back to myself sooner or later. :)