Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sally, I Understand

I had to laugh at today's Sally Forth because it described me perfectly. If you had listened to the "Understanding Women" cds I told you about, you would understand why we do what we do as women. Some women don't fit the mold and have no problem "relaxing". But most of us can't sit still without thinking about all the things that need to get done and we could be doing instead of just sitting on our rears with our feet up. There are times when I tell my husband to tell me to sit down and relax, instead of going off to clean something or put away some random billing statement that has been sitting on the counter for two weeks and mocking me because it is not filed away. Why? Because I will just keep finding things that need to be done and do them. I cannot relax until everything is done, but the catch is everything will never BE done so I have to make myself take the time to relax. Sally, I feel your pain and I am sure there are a few more women out there that share it too.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Yeah. So one time Jim said to me after I got on his case about not doing something I had asked repeatedly to do "I'm sure when you have down time you are not thinking about all the things you need to do!" I didn't respond back because I was so irritated, but yes, that is exactly what I do. I make all these lists and plans in my head about what I'm going to accomplish in the next, day, hour minute and how to best use hands free time and non-focused time to get all those tasks done. What's funny about your comic is that I can totally see Marshall responding the same way. Me the domestic goddess??!! Look who's talking. You're the one that got me all motivated.