Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Feeling Beautiful

All women have times when we don't feel beautiful. For some it is a daily battle. I am always trying to find tips and reminders about how to feel beautiful. Yesterday I read a great article about how to feel beautiful. Here are some really great tips that I am working on incorporating into my life:

1. Confidence is beauty. If you want to exude gorgeousness, feel good about you. Love yourself for who you are and how you look. Confident women are beautiful women.

2. Remember that when you look in the mirror, you can only see your physical self. You add up all your physical flaws and forget that there is so much more to you. What about your intellectual whit? Amazing sense of humor? Sexy voice? Poetic skills? Loyalty? Kindness? Thoughtfulness?There is so much more to you than what you see. You cannot measure your beauty just on your looks alone. The entire package of you is what makes you beautiful.

3. Glaring flaws, like a tiny wrinkle at the corner of your eye or a new pimple, are hardly noticeable to others. If you make a big deal about it, others will notice. So forget about that stupid pimple on your chin and act like you couldn't care less that it is there!

4. Put down the glamor magazines and turn off the TV. Give yourself a break from seeing Hollywood's version of beauty or else you will try to constantly measure up to the impossible.

5. Want to see real beauty? Go people watching. Sit on a park bench for an hour or two and study all the women you see. Find one positive thing about each woman you see. Realize that "real" beautiful women come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

6. Every time you have a negative thought about yourself, replace it with two positive ones. Change your way of thinking.

Here's to being better at loving yourself and seeing your beauty this year!

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