Friday, May 27, 2011

Time for more ramblings

- Marshall and anna are sitting playing chess and watching "Anne of Green Gables". I love it!

- I also love the fact that Marshall sat last night and painted Rachel's toe and finger nails. What an awesome dad!

- Marshall bought the complete Disneyland soundtrack that includes music to all the rides and shows. As if we need more reason to want to go to Disneyland. Upong listening to it the first time Jacob declared, "Disneyland?! Van!" He was sad we did not all get in the van and leave right then. I wish!

- Jimmy has been sick today and laying on the couch. Sweet Jacob came up to him, give him and hug, and rubbed his back. So precious!

- I took the kids to the splash park yesterday. Bikini tops and short shorts are not your friend if you are not a stick. Holy Muffin Top Batman!

- I am awaiting running the Midnight 5K tonight. I am so excited/ nervous. Eeeeekkk! I can only imagine how I'll be before the marathon.

- Chocolate Twizzlers are so evil and so good! Mmmmmm.


annjeanette said...

why didn"t you tell me? i would have loved to run that with you!!

Stephanie Black said...

That's so fun that Marshall has the Disneyland soundtrack!