Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Divorce cakes?!

I love dessert! I always pick sweet over salty. And yet how can something so delicious and good be used to make light of a very sad and horrible experience? Remember the blog about "divorce gift registries"? Well I found a new craze that is even more scary, divorce cakes. That's right, you can celebrate your divorce in the form of creative confectionery insanity. Just what any normal person would think of, right? With divorce cakes, parties, and registries, people are going to get married just so they can get divorced. Leave it to society to find more ways to cash in on a person's misery and loss of love.

Finding the Funny and the Yummy in Dark Times
"Some people might consider it crass and insensitive while others may view it as a fitting end to a period in their lives, as well as a chance to have a good party," Fay Millar, owner of Pink Rose Cakes in Brighton, England, told the Daily Mail. "I like to introduce humour rather than something too sober or vindictive so I use lots of figurines interacting with each other. Divorce can be a horrible thing but I would like to think comical divorce cakes can help lighten the mood a little." Donna Maynard of Donna's Dream Cakes and Creations in Summerville, FL, recently told the Orlando Sentinel that her divorce cakes often feature messages like "Thank God I'm Free" or a broken heart.

I'm going to go with the "crass and insensitive" view. I had to include some pictures of cakes to show they are for real. It's kind of disturbing as one is used to seeing happy cute bride and grooms adorn cakes. I wonder what will be next? Divorcey-moons? Divorce announcements?


annjeanette said...

Good grief is all I have to say!

Angela said...

Having been through an ugly, painful divorce, I wouldn't want a cake to "celebrate" it. I don't dwell on it or typically discuss it, but I'm glad I didn't participate in the "ugly" and can still be proud that I took the high ground (although I typically didn't feel like it at the time). I don't understand why people outwardly celebrate terrible events. I'd rather focus on the future and positive things.

Bonnie said...

Oh my. It is bad enough that we break our commitments without being the least bit ashamed, but now we have to celebrate our lack of integrity? Yeesh.

Mandy said...

So I caught up on reading for the past two weeks. I think my favorite blog so far is the one about the hats at the royal wedding. It made me laugh about the barbie boat comment. And then I had a good laugh at myself when I thought you had written the mother's day blog. I was really impressed that you would say how awesome you are on the internet. I only say it to the babies that don't talk. I start brainwashing young. And then I saw the post about you dressing up. Wow! Talk about memories. That must have been in apt 22 before they changed out the couches. I didn't connect the dots that that was you and Marshall's first official date. I was there for crying out loud, part of history and all. Yes. We are staying here with Jim's new job

Stephanie Black said...

Divorce cakes?? Making light of something so serious, so devastating? Very sad.