Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Most Wonderful Mother

As I sat on the stand today, listening to a wonderful talk, and feeling the Spirit, i was called out of my spiritual moment by the wail of the damned. I recognized the wail. It was the call of Jimmy after Jacob pulls his hair. Sure enough, when I looked over to the row where Sue and the kids were sitting, there was Jimmy shrieking in pain. What's the point of this story? The point is that Sue is amazing.

Every day of my life I go out to work or to church. I help people, I meet people, I get complimented (or yelled at). However, i couldn't do any of this without the help of Sue.

Sue is a mother who is always there for her children. She is always holding, kissing, helping, cooking, praying, playing, and doing. She takes care of everything in the family. I try to do my part, but my responsibilities require that I am often gone, so much of the burden lands on Sue, and she bears it wonderfully.

She has struggles, yet she still moves on and does all that is required of her. I love Sue with all my heart, and I am so greatful that she is the wife and mother of my children. Thanks to her, my children know the gospel, are kind, and they will hopefully, one day, grow up to be as good as her.

Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree, Marshall! Sue is an amazing mother!!!

Lempskies said...

Great post.
I can only imagine how tiring her challenges are. I can totally empathize with wrestling children alone in the pew, but bishop is a busier calling than counselor & has so many extra challenges.
If it gets to be too much, might I suggest moving out of ward boundaries. Hahaha. Actually, we can attest that doesn't work. It just resets the clock.

Bonnie said...

Awww, Marshall, you cute little hubby. Sue is amazing! I'm honored to have her for a sister-in-law.