Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Woes of a Rockstar Momma

I've decided that all this running and being fit thing has one major set back, lack of lap space. As if by some magnetic force, all at once the children converged on me in Sacrament meeting today. It was almost comical how all were happily entertained or occupied and then immediately they began to swarm. One girl on each side of me and Jimmy on my lap. My boys always fight over lap space, so Jimmy sitting on me meant Jacob had to tune in and come over to fight for lap rights. This, or course, resulted in me having to take Jacob out as he felt very displaced and wanted to go visit his dad instead. (Jacob visiting Daddy on the stand is NEVER a good thing. It always results in instant boredom combined with the desire to wave and dance around for all admiring fans in the congregation. That and running around the stand.) I had to take Jacob out to avoid major drama and melt down.

It got me thinking that while being healthy and small is a good thing, it doesn't help with solving the fights about lap space. What I really need to do is gain a good 20-40 pounds so everyone will have some place on Mom to sit, whether it be my increased lap or extended hips, each kid could have some part of me to claim for their own, even if it's just a handful to grab on to.

But then the true wisdom hit when I realized that even if I had more of me to go around, even if I could clone myself, my kids would still find something to fight about when it comes to "claiming" me. They always do. I suppose I'll just have to accept my popularity because it must mean I am doing SOMETHING right when all the kids vie for my attention. I think I can handle that rock star status, even if that means juggling four kids in the middle of sacrament meeting every Sunday!


Anonymous said...

I will gladly give you my 40 lbs.
I already gave away 40, but I have 40 more that need to go to a good home. :) You are a ROCKSTAR!!

Bonnie said...

Actually, Sue, the fatter you are, the less room you have on your lap, because your stomach starts spilling over into your lap space.