Monday, May 2, 2011

Going retro

Saturday night Marshall and I dressed up in our best digs for one wild time. Okay, it wasn't for a crazy party or something, but a ward activity. People could come dressed from any era they wanted. The kids, for some reason, opted to not join us in our unusual attire. Rachel told me I looked scary. Nice!

Anyhow, I hadn't planned on dressing up until an hour before the party. Marshall and I threw together our ensembles and had a blast. We got lots of comments. It was a "blast from the past" in more than one way. Yes, we were dressed retro, but it also reminded me of our first date 11 years ago. It was at BYU. We went to a hunger banquet, but also decided to dress 80's style for it. You know, because at BYU you do things like that. It was so much fun and once again it was great to pay tribute to the era of Duran Duran, Boy George, Billy Idol, The Bangles, and more.
Marshall sporting a raised collar and sock less loafers. Hotness!
Bangs to heaven, purple eye shadow, and all the colors. Sweet!

Our first date, all those years ago


Anonymous said...

Love It!!! You two look great. Brings back memories of my highschool days.

annjeanette said...

You guys are awesome!