Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Grammar Patrol

I have to tease my husband. He is just so adorable and wonderful and you all know that because I always tell you that. But he has one little quirk that amuses me to no end. Yesterday it took on a new height.

You see, my husband is the grammar patrol. He has always been very aware of the use of proper sentence structure and grammar. I am sure teaching missionaries Spanish at the MTC for four years only aided in creating this hidden passion for proper language use. When we were first married Marshall would always correct me when I would say something that wasn't grammatically correct. Now I didn't go around talking like some uneducated person, but sometimes I made errors. I am not a grammar queen. That section in English always bored me. After a while I told my husband that he needed to stop correcting me because it was getting really annoying and made me not want to talk to him. So he stopped and we haven't had any problems since. What a wise newlywed he was.

However, yesterday we were talking on the phone and I said something and then waited for a response. None came. I asked "why"? He said it was because I had spoken in a sentence fragment and he was waiting for me to finished. Oh my! Someone has been spending way too much time analyzing law documents or something. I spoke in a fragment?! My poor hubby needs to have more fun. I explained that I wasn't aware of the error, but more importantly when I pause in a conversation that means it is his turn to say something. It made me chuckle that his old grammar patrol self came out again. I'll have to be more careful in our phone conversations now.

Now you all have been analyzing my writing and noting my grammar flaws, right? In all honestly, I don't mean to talk badly about my husband in any way. I just think his little grammar quirk is funny and cute. I had to share. I am sure that since it's been seven years since I've been in school and I spend my days with children that my grammar isn't always perfect. But I still am able to communicate with the world and sound intelligent. Just beware the next time you talk to my husband!


Anonymous said...

Well ain't that funny! You must have some good patience. I'd be not a speaking to mine husband for a month :) (Love the grammer?) If you can't tell, I didn't learn anything in school. When I went!
Don't you just love their little quirks! Have an awesome day.

annjeanette said...

Well now I am going to be nervous every time I talk to Marshall! Yikes!

David said...

I'm with you Sue. Bonnie and I have a friend that is constantly correcting my grammar (not our grammar - Bonnie has great grammar). I was always so put-off when he would correct me (as though I was a hick who didn't know how to speak English), but in hindsight I have fixed a few perpetual errors I was making. Tell Marshall he can take his grammar aggression out on me at the next reunion.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Marshall was a grammar cop! I must ask him some questions. (And Sue, I've never noticed you speaking in fragments, tongues or bad grammar.)

MyDonkeySix said...

I do admit that my speaking has improved since Marshall. But I am also glad I don't sound like a hick. Marshall's too nice to correct other people and doesn't do it to me anymore. Except for fragments on the phone. Y'all should call him and speak horribly just to torture him. Hee hee.

MyDonkeySix said...

My grammar is far from better, and I am very polite. Plus, to make you all feel better, I just got out of one of the partner's offices where the topic of discussion was my inappropriate use of ellipses in a citation. I once wrote a whole motion based on the use of a semicolon rather than a period.